It’s a match! Services that fit YOU
and your organizing needs

As your soon-to-bee favorite professional home organizer guru, I’m here to spill the tea on the fine art of tidying up. Get ready, because in my world there is more than just one way to get organized. Because that would be too easy, right?

Here at tuttOrganized* we kick off with a free consultation call. You can pour your heart out about your wardrobe disaster or kitchen chaos while I play the part of the sympathetic friend. But don’t worry, because our home organizing strategies are as tailored as a custom suit, designed to wrap snugly around your mess.

With this tailor-made game plan, tuttOrganized* adapts to match you individual vibe: whether you want me to hold your hand through the entire process or prefer to sit back and watch the magic happen, I’ve got your back every step of the way.

Together, we’ll master the chaos and transform your space into a Pinterest-worthy haven. Or at the very least, we’ll give it our best shot. ;)

Home Organizing Services


  • Dust off those sleeves and take the plunge into the decluttering universe with our interactive Hands-on coaching. Picture this: You, me, and a bunch of stuff that’s begging to be sorted. It’s like a reality TV show, but without the cameras. But hey, if you want to film it, let’s get those Insta-filters ready!

    Our Hands-on home organizing service gives you the royal treatment of decluttering help. Together, we’ll create storage solutions that match your vibe and unique needs. It’s like having a personal stylist, but for your clutter!

    If you’re the type to dive in and get your hands dirty while getting expert guidance, this service is for you. Prepare for sweat, giggles, and maybe even a happy tear or two as we take on this decluttering adventure. Let’s conquer the chaos together!

  • €75/hour | 3 hours minimum


  • We all know moving house can be a real pain. But don’t panic! It’s actually your golden ticket to the joy of organization. Before you start packing up your life, we’ll team up to find out what’s really going to fit into your new pad. Say goodbye to unnecessary clutter and save big on moving costs with the help of me as your home organizing consultant.

    But wait, there’s more! Once we touchdown at your new place, we’ll unpack with style and savvy. Every item will have its own special place, letting you kick-start your new chapter clutter-free and oh-so-organized. It’s like a fresh start, without the moving madness. Let’s make this move the most organized adventure of your life!

  • on demand

Embarking on your organizing journey

  • Your journey to a decluttered and organized home begins with a free consultation. Once scheduled, you'll receive a questionnaire and a request for photos of your space. This allows me to understand your current situation and your organizing goals better.

  • Post-consultation, if we’re a match, you’ll receive a detailed proposal with service costs for home organizing. Once agreed upon, we proceed with a contract and a 30% down payment to kickstart our journey.

  • To gain deeper insights into your routines, challenges, and desires, I’ll visit your space, take measurements and photos. Together, we’ll start developing a comprehensive plan!

  • After checking out your space, I will provide you with a list of suggested organizers and recommendations for places to dispose of the clutter.

  • Now, the real work begins:


    I’ll meticulously sort through everything in the designated area, categorizing items and preparing them for your decision-making process. We’ll follow the KonMari "joy checking method", and I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. Ultimately, the final call will always be yours.


    I finally can begin with structuring the space and implement systems that make it effortless to maintain an organized environment for years to come!


    A home that truly feels like home is more likely to stay organized over time. I’ll pay attention to the finest details, such as labels, to ensure that your space not only looks great but also remains organized in the long run.

  • Included: 

    I provide all the necessary supplies for organizing, such as garbage bags, rubber bands, and labels.

    Not included:
    Please note, the costs of organizers are not included in the service price. If you opt to purchase organizers through me, a separate bill with a 20% surcharge will cover selection, delivery, and return handling.

    If you live outside of Berlin and Brandenburg, a travel surcharge may apply.

The tuttOrganized* promise

your professional home organizer

Hey there, I’m Tanja, the face behind tuttorganized*, and I’m here to revolutionize your messy existence.

As a professional and certified home organizer, I’ve got the secret sauce to help you conquer the chaos and transform your living spaces into serene havens.

Through the long experience in home organization, I’ve honed my skills to understand the multifaceted challenges you face in creating a space that aligns with your needs. This is more than just a quick tidy-up. We’re talking about crafting an environment that screams "you" and gives you the freedom to actually enjoy your precious time.

So buckle up, because together, were going to create “the ultimate sanctuary” that’ll make all your friends green with envy.

Your journey to an organized home starts here!

Ready to transform your space? Book a free consultation today to discuss your challenges and how I can help. Let’s work together to design the next steps towards your tidy, peaceful haven. Let’s get tuttOrganized*!

Follow me on my Instagram journey: